Saturday, December 8, 2012

I'm Coming Home...

Well, who would have thought.... 6 exams done and 2 more to go.
Almost time to go home!

The semester has really come to an end and in a week I will be back in Salmon Arm with my family, where I will spend the Christmas Holidays. I feel rather exhausted and drained at the moment and the feeling that I'm almost done writing first semester final examinations brings me peace and takes a huge weight off my shoulders! I feel like I can't wait to have a break and sleep for days, even though I know once I'm home I'll get really busy helping mom bake Christmas cookies, writing Christmas cards, and seeing loads of people. I know I'll probably be busier than I'd like to be but it will be fun busy! Fun busy = great moments! Great moments = Happy Luke!!! :)

I hope to be ready and well rested for January - I have a friend (Daniel) who is coming from Columbia!! He will arrive Jan 2nd. Daniel was here last year as an exchange student and he is now coming back to TRU to do his Masters! I'm so excited to have him here with me.

Well, I wish y'all a lovely Christmas and may this time of the year remind you of what love really means in your life. Remember those who are around you, those who are far away... and those who live in your heart!

Until next time, L.

Photo credits to a wonderful & very talented photographer and friend: Viktoria Haack

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December 4th and still no snow...
Well, we did have a bit of snow here in Kamloops a couple of weeks ago, but ever since then it has gotten warmer and the snow all melted away.

It's rather odd to look out the window at this time of the year and find a beautiful sunny day outside. It's also rather odd to realize one cannot simply just walk out of the building and enjoy the wonderful sunshine and beautiful blue skies.... 

Finals are here - Yesterday I had my first one. I decided to rebel a bit and walk to Starbucks, just to have a taste of fresh air [once again]. Today I won't allow myself that privilege though - tomorrow I have my Cardiopulmonary Final and I must sit here and absorb a lot of information. I will save fresh air and sunshine for the Christmas Break, in a couple of weeks - when with no doubt snow will be around, forcing me to stay inside reading or sleeping or doing some non-outside activity. Yippee!!! The joys of being in school :)

Cheers and until next time, L.